W hat is it? 10 Hour Games is all about getting creative and building fun games quickly. It is designed to help new game makers get started building and to put the more experienced developers’ skills to the test.
W hy are you hosting this? Many developers (including myself) tend to spend way too much time on planning and thinking about what games to make and how long it’s going to take to make them. 10 Hour Games is not a competition but a way for people to stop thinking and just get cracking on whatever game they want to create. I hope that people will be able to try out a bunch of cool ideas and discover more efficient techniques for future projects, hence the tight deadline.
H ow do I participate? The rules are simple; you have 10 work-hours to create a game of your choice. It can be a platformer, FPS, arcade, 2D or 3D and even a remake of an already existing game, as long as you stick to the 10 hours of development.
Participate in 10 Hour Games to inspire new developers while putting your skills to the test. Get started today!
The game can be submitted in any shape or form (no editor files – it must be exported). I will personally be able to play games targeted for PC, Mac and the Web.
When you’re ready Upload the game to any site of your choice and send a link to the email address at the bottom of the page.
Feel free to include some cool designs should your game be featured.
D evelopment includes all work on the game (e.g. asset creation, programming, sound work, and story writing) but not work to promote the game (e.g. banner design and writing promotional text). You can of course take breaks and pause the countdown as long as it’s running when you are working on the game.
I’ve featured some of the games submitted on this page along with a highlights montage to showcase some of the interesting graphics and gameplay. Also make sure to post updates about the development of your 10 Hour Game on Twitter @BrackeysTweet with the hashtag #10hourgames.
Send a link & the name of you and your submission to 10hourgames@brackeys.com!